Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA states:
“As far as possible charitable objects should aim at betterment & rehabilitation of the recipients of charity and should stimulate them to greater efforts & become self-reliant rather than receive the aid as a kind of dole which might discourage positive actions.”

About Saifee Foundation
The 51st Dai al-Mutlaq, His Holiness Dr Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb RA established The Saifee Foundation, a charitable trust, on the auspicious occasion of Lailatul Qadr in the year 1378 Hijri. The Gregorian calendar marks the date as March 31, 1959. Since then the Trust has been functioning relentlessly for the upliftment of business of Mumineen towards attaining the vision as envisaged.
Vision statement
“To counsel, guide, and encourage mumineen to become business-oriented thereby attain khushi of Aqa Moula (TUS). Also to encourage and provide management, technical and financial support to start-ups as well as existing businesses, to enable them to establish and become self-reliant, so that they are able to uplift fellow mumineen.”
Mission Statement
To achieve the above-mentioned vision, the Trust through its Business Upliftment sub-committee viz., Al-Tijaarat al-Raabehah, aims to reach out to mumineen through the online module as well as setting up offices in their respective mawaze.
Further, it also aims to achieve lower Turn Around Time (TAT) for processing applications, enhance existing set-up as well as infrastructure and deploy required manpower. It shall also strive to generate more revenue from its properties.
Trust objectives
The Saifee Foundation has been established with the primary objective of upliftment of business and relief from poverty. The Trust provides financial assistance towards the establishment, expansion, and renovation, of Mumineen’s business ventures. The Trust strives in making mumineen self-reliant thereby uplifting their business and standard of living. The main focus of the Trust is on Business Upliftment and Relief of poverty.
Business upliftment
Relief of poverty
Business Upliftment
The Saifee Foundation has been entrusted mainly to provide financial assistance towards business upliftment in collaboration with Al- Tijaarat al-Raabehah (a Business Upliftment Sub-Committee of the Trust). Applications received by the Trust seeking assistance for business upliftment are processed by Al-Tijaarat al-Raabehah. The Trust through Al- Tijaarat al-Raabehah provides assistance towards (1) Business Counselling (2) Khabergiri and (3) Financial Assistance
Business Counselling
The trust provides counseling and consultation services to businesses for improving their ventures. Mumineen may approach the trust for professional assistance to get a detailed plan of action chalked out for them by experienced people from the community.
An initiative to provide assistance towards relief of poverty with respect to the Business, Medical, Generating Livelihood, Housing and Education), a team of people from the trust visit businesses and their homes all around the year to ensure wellness and a sustainable livelihood for community members.
Financial Assistance
The foundation is deeply committed to the betterment of the life of mumineen. As such, the trust provides financial assistance towards business upliftment and relief of poverty (Khabergiri)
The foundation is deeply committed to the betterment of the life of mumineen. As such, the trust provides
financial assistance towards business upliftment and relief of poverty (Khabergiri)
Types of businesses benefitted
Hardware & Paints
Machinery & Tools
Apparel Industry
Home Industry
Food & Agriculture
Provision & Retail
Professional Services
Electronics & IT
260 mumineen benefitted
112 Mauzes where mumineen have benefitted
Purposes for which financial assistance
has been provided
As a part of the mission, the Business Upliftment Committee at The Saifee Foundation Trust offers a holistic approach to mumineen for the betterment of their lives. Mumineen may approach the committee for business counseling with financial assistance and with respect to start-ups, existing businesses, and their expansion. Primarily, financial assistance is provided as a part of, and with respect to the following:
Working Capital
Financial assistance for setting start ups and existing businesses
Addition of New Products & Services
Aid for expanding or re-setting up of businesses
Machinery & Tools
Procurement & deployment assistance
Holistic financial help to get started
Local Shops
Setting a shop in the town
Setting up a manufacturing facility
Our Process
The Trust follows a rigorous and all-round approach to make sure the right kind of aid reaches the applicant in full effect.
Step 1 – Case Registration

When the applicant submits their comprehensive application we go through all the details and log a new request in the system
Step 2 – Counselling Session

Based on the information provided in the form, we provide professional business counselling to find the root cause before the grant of financial assistance
Step 3 – Financial Evaluation

As part of the business counseling session, we also evaluate the past financial statements and sales forecast in order to ascertain the true position of the business and thereby justify the amount of financial assistance to be provided.
Step 4 – Financial Assistance

Once the financial evaluation is justified the committee draws its conclusion and determines the amount of financial assistance to be granted, the payback duration and other details are finalised. Finally the amount is disburse to the applicant.
Get in touch
If you are in need of help, aid, business counseling or professional assistance of any kind, please do not hesitate to get in touch with The Saifee Foundation Trust. All you need to do is fill this form and we will get in touch with you
Contact details
Phone: +91 22 2261 3345
+91 22 68075322
Email: info@thesaifeefoundation.org
Address: Amatullah Manzil, 2nd Fl, 65, Perin Nariman Street, (Bazargate street), Fort, Mumbai – 400 001